Symmetry Colors UI is not a stand-alone App, it requires having Klwp Pro Key.
Symmetry Colors UI Klwp / kustom
This is not a standalone application. The theme requires the applications Klwp Maker, Klwp Pro Key.
- Theme for 16: 9, 18: 9 & 18.5.9 formats.
What do you need:
✔ Kustom (KLWP) PRO
✔ Launcher compatible with KLWP (Nova Launcher recommended)
How to install:
✔ Download Symmetry Colors UI Klwp for Kustom.
✔ Open your KLWP application, choose the menu icon in the upper left, then load the preset.
✔ Select Symmetry Colors UI Klwp to apply the theme.
✔ Press the "SAVE" button in the upper right.
✔ Select 1 screen
Nova Launcher:
✔ Select 1 screen
✔ Hide status bar and dock
- Klwp Theme For Formats 16: 9, 18: 9 and 18.5: 9.
✓ Navigation Bar Support.
✓ UI system (Light - Dark).
✓ Quick settings page with toggles to activate Wifi, Bluetooth, Notifications and Navbar.
✓ Utility icons and Social Apps
✓ 7 Wallpapers, with filters, blur and brightness.
✓ Theme color with 10 color palette.
✓ General Notifications, (On - Off).
✓ Calendar and progressive events
✓ Current news, sports, technology and entertainment.
✓ Current weather and five-day forecast.
✓ Music player.
✓ B&W and Color Filter in Cover Art (Music Player, News Images).