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Android application Ruthenian Internet Radio rusyn FM application is a mobile application that lets you have an FM radio broadcast rusyn still within reach. Simple settings allow you to communicate directly with the radio or read the news. Other features will be added soon.
Rusyn FM is an Internet radio station that broadcasts in Ruthenian. The team consists of young enthusiasts who decided to spread the culture of minority ether. Radio offers in addition to its own music and news and current affairs programs that want to entertain and educate. application is a mobile application that allows you to reach Rusyn broadcasting of Radio FM anytime you want. Thanks to simple settings you can communicate with radio or read news. More functions will be launched soon.
Rusyn FM is an internet radio that broadcasts in Ruthenian language. The team consists of young enthusiasts Which DECIDED to disseminate culture of this minority via the ether. Radio offers own news and current affairs shows that can entertain and educate.
Aплікація русин.фм є мобілна аплікація през котру можете мати высыланя радія русин ФМ фурт зо собов. Надто можете вдяка простым наштелёваням комуніковати с радіом або собі перечітати ёго нобинкы. Занедовго прибудуть далшы функції.
Русин ФМ є інтернетове радіо котре высылать в русинцкым языку. Тім творять молоды запаленцы котры постонобили шырити культуру народностной меншыны етером. Радіо офіра бластны справодайскы і публіцістіцкы релації котре хотят побавити і навчіти.
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Android 8.0+
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Get rusyn FM old version APK for Android
Use APKPure App
Get rusyn FM old version APK for Android