Reviews: 173 Rating: 9.0
The all-new definitive Strategy RPG, most widely sought-after in Japan!
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Whats the full size of this game?
Please do have some option to play this game even without google services.. I really love this game but i cant play..
It's a good addictive game but it crash and stop when I try to summon.
WARNING: The greed Gumi has in here is legendary. The Bad:Not only do they have the loot box summons, but to get them to max level you have to summon multiples of that unit (about 14 times for a 5*). As if that wasn't bad enough, to get the gear for your characters you have to spend even more money on loot boxes hoping to get their equipment. This once again requires duplicates to evolve them to the highest star rating. The Good:The gameplay is unique for the mobile market as the game plays akin to Final Fantasy Tactics/Disgaea/Tactics Ogre. So if you have enjoyed those you will enjoy this too. The story is fairly well done past the very "ugh" first chapter of "is this kid really this gullible?" The game does have Auto mode, but it will not use skills in any efficient matter which I like. The AI will use your biggest AoE skills to kill a single monster when it could have waited a turn and hit 3-4 with it. You can get away with it for clearing the repetitive missions, but on the Hard Mode event quests manual control is required. For better (or worse) there are events always going on with new characters being introduced. This leads to a fair amount of free premium currency to spend. Just be sure to use it wisely, some of the units are near useless due to their niche nature vs one a week later that can cast an instant AoE from 5 squares away.
New chapter update = new anime season. Cool story. Great gameplay. Great difficulities.Except for imba limited hero that make everything worse
It's a gacha game that plays like Final Fantasy Tactics. Lots of characters to collect and it's really generous too when it comes to premium currency. In essence, it is a really in depth gacha game that is f2p friendly, challenging, packed with events, and it actually has a good story. What sets it appart from other gacha games is that the characters you get arent just one trick ponies with 1 or 2 special abilities. No, each character can have multiple classes with multiple abilities. You have your warriors, tanks, assassins, long range, mages, healers, and support classes to mix and match to your liking and play style. Even a sh*tty 3 star character can be useful in this game. Worth every star, mate. Give it a go.
i dont know
Anime goes to games ahaha download it busy no time to play,will be test this game comment here for the game guys see yaa
Pretty fun game. You'll definitely have to grind a lot.
Okay Beautiful Tactics
All systems is Good. Beautiful Voice Good skills, Awesome Background & Music, The First Science of Story is Great and i feel it if the Journey is Continue the Story is Perfect i like it. Please Add more Heroes More Heroes more Fun. this game Have Potential i wish This Game not "Shutdown" Keep it Up. Thumbs Up Thanks.