Reviews: 2 Rating: 10.0
Free Japanese romantic dating story for girls. Choose your handsome boyfriend.
I luv the game...other games need points,money etc but tis game ntg is needed....tis story so interstng i love it.i also chse su-jin n i i wnna knw wat hppns next.plz updte the story so tat i can play ...
YES PLZ I WANT MORE STORIES! I CHOSE SI-JIN I DONT WANT THE STORIES END THERE. PLZ PLZ CONTINUE IT. I WANT TO KNOW MORE WHT HAPPEN NEXT PLZZ PLZZZ!!! ITS RLL AMAZING AND I CRIED SO MUCH, I WANT THIS STORY TO COBTINUE! (ps: i dont want to play all over again when theres a new upcoming stories ;-; i been laying on my bed to end the stories. Its rll interesting as hell.. Makes me want to know more futher of whts going to happen next with Si-Jin) MORE STORIES UPCOMING PLZ IM SURE LOT OF PPLWILL LOVE TO KNOW WHT NEXT!!
I chose Daniel! I want more! ♥