Reviews: 59 Rating: 3.1
Uhm yall don't fall for this it's not the real roblox..Until roblox releases an official version (which will never happen) NEVER INSTALL THIS!!It could be a virus so I'm just warning yall
This is not roblox 2 or i'll call r2 its the guide the text are using scary text styles and litteraly the dev begging for 5 star review. Someone did repost this app and change the thumbnails and the logo when your downloading it the app of that title was rublux when you enter it its unofficial and guys its bad and i think that DEV is trying to trick us is the youtuber made this or the most worst fan made this APK and if you know about guilded and roblox its on this comment ( the link never expires and HEY make sure you set your birthday to 13 age or above if its under 13 or 13< in your website roblox you may not able to sign in to the guilded and see ya!)
First of all I'm not falling for that, second of all everyone would check who created roblox and this weird game
OK bro why would you go to AREA 52 for this ma guy
Nah this is s**t this is a copy of roblox but a **** version i never downloading this piece of s**t again
If this game was a presentation. Nobody would allow it to be part of their business
Bad you should get in a lot of trouble you copied don't you know rovlox is copyrighted dude!
Very very bad copy of Roblox please delete this sh**
This game is really bad don't download it guys