Random Games

1.3 by CEI91
Dec 23, 2013

About Random Games

The gambling package that need.

AZAR is an application that contains four games based in one way or another on chance.

With this application package will have several gaming casually that you can use in different situations.

• You can throw 1-4 dice with completely random results. These virtual dice can completely replace traditional dice as their results depend on chance alone. As simple as pressing with two fingers on the screen to launch.

• You can order sweepstakes with 2-20 participants. If you need to establish an order of participation in a group, this is your game. After indicating the number of participants, the game randomly hide a value in a series of beads on the screen. Each player must click on a pearl to find the number to indicate the order of play.

• You can generate random numbers between 2 values ​​indicated understood. If you need to run sweepstakes, this game can help. After indicating the minimum and maximum values ​​of the draw, simply click the generate button to get a random number.

• You can generate random teams from a pool of players listed. Sometimes you may need to group players for teams.

For the practice of certain sports, gaming tournaments, or other occasions, you can meet a group of people forming teams need group. This game will help you make a drawing with a group of participants, for completely random teams.

If you want to differentiate during the draw certain players, to be better or worse to avoid as far as possible to be grouped, or sex for mixed teams, you can click on them in the relationship, before starting the drawing. Differentiated players change their color.

Noting participants Sort button press show resulting teams.

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Requires Android


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Casual Game


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