Opinie: 62 Oceny: 8.1
Głośnowówiący i wysyłanie wiadomości tekstowych (SMS + teksty MMS) w USA i Kanadzie z wolnym numerem telefonu
After reading such love filled reviews of this app, I decided to give it a shot. Everything was smooth until I hit the button to complete the set up, then came an error message.Knowing that I was racing against the clock and risk losing everything, I chose the option of linking my account to my Gmail account, thinking all should be well...I got another error message, saying that that address was already in use. GREAT! SO I tried the password I tried earlier, and guess what, yet another error message.Out or desperation, I tried to change the password, and was told the email address I was told was already being used, was NOT on record. Many swear words later, I went elsewhere and got an app that works.
IT is a great app but it just needs video call!
Best app I've used
beast mode
great app!
Great calling
Going on nearly two years now and I have never paid for one call, text, or pic text. If you don't have a good wifi connection the calls can be a bit unstable but this is by far the best wifi calling app there is. Once in a while I'll try a new one just to check it out but I always end up rint back with Freetone. I've had the same number this whole time as well.
Best texting app out there as well as calling over wifi or data. Better than text plus,text now, my sms, text for free ultra voice and many others. You don't have to earn credits to call places like ALL the above mentioned in this review. I've used them all and 100% of the time I've always came back to freetone/textMe. If your phone is outdated or can't update to new software then download text me. It's from same developer and works with previous versions of software.
Great app. It calls when I need it to. And the reception is great also. I really enjoy this app.