T-STUDIO AirCounter專為中性外表的妳設計貼身內衣褲及周邊商品,針對商品特性研發改良,為了讓每位Neutral person穿出自然、自在、自信
T-STUDIO AirCounter 為妳打造一個專屬妳的貼身時尚
*行動購物 -- 一機在手,一指神功,隨時隨意最輕鬆的SHOPPING新趨勢
*專屬優惠 -- 門市優惠券、APP折價券,專屬給妳的超值折扣
*推播訊息 -- 隨時掌握T-STUDIO最NEW的NEWS
*專屬特價 -- 專屬給妳的超值超優惠限時特惠
*專屬限定 -- 專屬給妳的限定限量商品
*LINE客服 -- 提供營業時間即時性的免費諮詢
*快速結帳 -- 超便捷,超簡化的訂貨付款取貨機制
T-STUDIO專為中性外表的妳開發設計貼身內衣褲及相關周邊商品,累積十年的生產設計經驗,接收世界各地的聲音,針對商品特性研發改良,只為了讓每位Neutral person穿出自然、自在、自信。
Specially the design personal underpants and related peripheral commodity for you of neutral semblance,
accumulates ten years of production design experiences,
receives the voice of world, improves in view of the commodity characteristics research and development,
only to let each Neutral person puts on the nature, comfortable and self-confident.
Besides development commodity, pays great attention to the service of popular consumption market,
and devotes to the related activity for a long time participates in the support,
expected that you from inside to outside can find to belong to your Style in T-STUDIO.