Creating better stories together.
Storia is a new social publishing platform founded on the belief that we create better stories together. Add photos, videos and GIFs to the mix — and have fun while discovering, sharing and creating! You can develop stories on your own or co-author them with friends, family or others you've met in the community.
More than just one story
After you download Storia, you can start exploring the Discover page. See what’s trending, follow what you like, find more entertaining stuff, share it on your favorite social networks and get inspired.
Speak your mind
Already have an idea? With Storia you can publish it in just a heartbeat. Use your favorite social network or an email address to register for free. Then you can easily start telling your own stories to the world. You’ll see there’s no need to be a professional writer to create engaging content. Soon your stories can be featured on the Discover page, too. Recognition is just one step away.
Create stories together
Went on an adventure with your friends or found some people interested in the same subjects as you? Invite them to create stories with you. Co-authorship is the word.