Sanatan Dharm Patrika adalah kertas berita dalam bahasa gujarati.
Sanatan Dharm Patrika is a news paper in gujarati language, duly registered with Registrar of News Papers of India ( vide registration number RNI No: MAHGUJ/2016/68522.
Sanatan Dharm Patrika is a monthly news paper, published at Mohan Timber Compound, Mohane Road, Shahad West, Kalyan, Dist Thane 421103. The administration of the news paper is handled by Prachar
Prasar Samiti for and on behalf of its owners.
Sanatan Dharm Patrika is owned by Shri Akhil Bharatiya Kutch Kadva Patidar Samaj, (trust regd no. A-828 Kutch), having head quarters at Patidar Vidyarthi Bhawan, Nakhatrana, Kutch, Gujarat India.