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Meanings Of Dreams Free app has
-10000 more interpreters of dreams
-Fast search dictionary
-Favorite dream list
-Some science explanations
-Very easy functions
What does my dream mean?
Discover and interpret the meaning of your dreams from our exhaustive list of dream interpreter dictionary ?
Do you really know yourself? Be prepared to learn facts you may or do not want to know. The analysis of these dreams of life have been interpreted from various books and by teams of human readers and the explanations & meanings are provided on app.
Dreams can be sweet, funny/crazy or nightmares (scary or disturbing). Understand yourself by analyzing your dreams. Discover what your dreams means with the help of this dream dictionary app.
-Most common dreams for kids are on zoo, home games, butterfly, aquarium, heights, etc.
-Teenagers visualize dresses, girl/boy friend, books, phones, wedding day, etc in their dreams.