Ketahui Semua Tentang Terapi Hubungan Untuk Pasangan yang Mencari Kesatuan Yang Bahagia & Sihat
Many people are confused about what marriage counseling is and is not. This guide will help you understand what marriage counseling is, and the many forms it comes in. You will also learn how marital counseling can help strengthen your marriage or may help you realize when the time is right to start anew.
Are you someone that wants to feel better now? Do you want to know why it is some couples last a lifetime, while others dissolve almost instantaneously? Why do people marry only to divorce less than a year later? Isn’t there such a thing as
true love?
Undoubtedly, all of these questions have filtered through your head at one time or another. The good news is there is hope for marriage.
Marriage is still alive, and those that are married are fighting for their survival.
This audio guide will teach you tools you need to create and promote a couples strategy, one that will allow you and your partner to care for each other and yourself in an intimate, loving and nurturing way. After all, isn’t that what all relationships are about?
If you have ever questioned the benefits of therapy, now is the time to learn just how vital marriage counseling may be to your future, and that of your family.
This audio guide is for informational purposes only.
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