JustInAnime adalah katalog anime dan sumber maklumat yang boleh anda simpan bila-bila masa
JustInAnime is an anime catalog and information source. You can look up and keep track the anime you like anytime and anywhere. JustInAnime aid you in finding new anime and presenting you all the details about anime
- See countdown of anime releases
Say goodbye to the anxious feeling of waiting your anime without knowing when it will release. JustInAnime show the user the countdown of nearest released anime
- Discover and Search
JustInAnime show almost all anime available and make it easier to browse by filtering it by genre or release status
- Favorited
Keep track of your favorited anime and going to watch anime by mark the anime as favorited. JustInAnime will save your favorited list on your account
- Theme and Notification toogle
Prevent up your eyes issue by using night theme and enable your notification if you want to get the notification about the latest anime status