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Hodgepodge is a collection of games highlighting the path taken while migrating from Android Studio development to a cross-platform IDE. Currently, Hodgepodge has a single game, Roll-A-Ball Plus, which was inspired by the Unity Learn’s Roll-A-Ball Tutorial. There are three additional games planned, an “infinite runner,” a “racer,” and an “escape from” tower defense.
Roll-A-Ball Plus is a very simple arcade game that’s primary game-play is based on using the mobile device’s gyroscope, though there is an option to use on-screen controls. Roll-A-Ball Plus game-play is straight forward, tilt your phone to get the ball rolling, pick up all the cubes, and exit the level BEFORE the time runs out. The primary goal is to pick-up the cubes and end the level as fast as possible. The quicker you go, the more stars you can earn. Each level also has stars that can be picked up during game-play. There are various power-ups across all the levels.
Hodgepodge does contain ads, banner and on-demand full-screen ads (Earn star multiplier boost time by watching ads).
Hodgepodge has in-app purchases -
-Premium Play: Removes banner ads, grants a permanent star multiplier, increases reward time for boost ads watched.
-Boost Multipliers: Various star multipliers for varying duration.
Full Network Access & View Network Connections – Needed for Ads
Google Play billing service – Needed for In-App Purchases