An open-source multi-thread download manager for Android.
PAUSED. I am currently a Grade 12 student in China which means I won't have much time to debug this project in at least one year. I might come back the next year on this.
Have you ever been looking for a download manager that supports multi-thread or just downloads faster, better, and stabler? Now, Here comes, maybe a better, download manager app for Android.
GigaGet is a lightweight download manager app with the following features:
* Multi-thread support for up to 32 threads for one download mission
* Perfect pausing and resuming without loss of data even if app was crashed
* An embedded "Simple Browser" which allows you to browse "download pages" to download anything in GigaGet without difficulty (If you use the system's browser, you will find that it just does not send some of the download events to GigaGet)
* "Video detector" in "Simple Browser" (Use it at your own risk!)
* A clear user interface with Material Design
* And, of course, it's fully open-source under the GPLv3 License.
We are happy to receive advices or bug reports. If you are an Android developer, you are also welcome to contribute to this project.
Developed by PaperAirplane Dev Team!