Get ready for the best age calculator app 2020
Is it difficult for you to calculate your exact age in years, months and days from your date of birth? Use this amazing age calculation app to calculate your exact age in years, months, days and even seconds based on your date of birth.
With the age calculator, you can also calculate the remaining days of your next birthday or birthday. The application also serves as a difference calculator for date and time. Calculate the difference between two dates and times in minutes and seconds.
The application is free and easy, quick and easy to use to calculate your chronological age and calculate the sum of years, months, days, weeks, hours, minutes and seconds between two dates. Provide useful information about the date and time. For more than 1000 years, it also brings you expertise and points you in the right direction to plan for the future.
The app provides a very simple interface that easily calculates your age and birthdays. You can also add as many birthdays and anniversaries as you like to your family and friends. Dated between two dates like wedding anniversary, anniversaries, events etc.
Main features of this application
✓ This application supports multiple date formats, as well as 24-hour and 12-hour formats.
✓ We accept before 1900, but the Google Calendar does not allow us to manually enter the year after selecting the date, if you wish to do so before 1900.
✓ Share the results of your calculations with your family and friends.
✓ Calculate your exact age and find the next 10 days of your birthday week
✓ This is a great tool for anyone interested in date calculations.
✓ Specify how many months and days are missing for your next birthday.
✓ Perform daily operations such as addition / subtraction.
✓ Do not find work-free and non-working days
✓ Add / subtract days / months / years from a date.
✓ This application displays the current time zone of the device.
✓ Check if a certain year is a leap year or not.