Identify Europe's dragonflies
This is the completely new Sunbird nature guide app for the determination of all 164 dragonflies in Europe based on Klaas-Douwe B. Dijkstras, Asmus Schröter's book "Dragonflies Europe", the latest edition of which has just been published by the Swiss publisher Haupt Verlag.
The app is peppered with the excellent dragonflies detail drawings by Richard Lewington, who is considered to be the best insect illustrator in Europe. Each species is provided with a board specially made for this app.
Color drawings show males and females of every species, youth stages, variants, side views and details of special characteristics.
All text information on the species can be found under the species portraits. The distribution maps have all been adapted and brought up to date for this new edition.
The easy-to-use manual determination function makes it easy for laypeople to determine the type of dragonfly.
Simply enter the color, shape and size and other characteristics and you will get to the selection, which then leads to the result with the sophisticated comparison function.
The app contains:
- all 164 European dragonfly species
- 164 identification plates with identification
- manual identification key
- Save and export observations
- show similar species
- All countries of Europe can be selected individually to display species
-> including Western Turkey, Cyprus, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia as well as the Azores, Canaries and Madeira.
This makes this app the only and best app in German-speaking countries to reliably identify dragonflies. Suitable for lay people, nature enthusiasts and scientists alike.