리뷰: 11 순위: 9.5
패션 옷입히기 화장 여자 게임. 인형 옷 입히기 멋진 교복을 입고 헤어스타일을 만들고!
anorexic or crack addicts?
LOL Its one thing for barbies to be a size-0 but these are a lot easier to throw a little meat on. High school girls will never look like this. **** even Elementary and juniour high girls will have more too them. We keep drawing and creating impossible to be role models. It's sad how young, girls are when they are putting themselves on their first diet. When I was growing up I didn't have to compete or try to look like anyone other than Barbie. I grew up in the 80s .I do remember not wanting to be the Cher doll when we played Barbies lol it had to be tiny Skipper or Barbie but not cher cause she was thick and tall. Reminded me of the amazon women. lol I was 3 and 4 then. We need to give our girls and boys better role models to look up to. nice clothes though. Oh and Mattel has made Barbie look a little more true to life by adding and subtracting to different parts of her body. Way to go Mattel