300 of the most important submarines ever produced in one app.
Submarines of the World contains more than 280 of the most important and influential submarines since the inception of this revolutionary vessel right up to the present day. These include the earliest experimental submersibles, the notorious German U-boats of World War II and today’s massive nuclear-powered submarines. The civilian application of submarine technology is also touched upon with the inclusion of the latest deep sea exploration vessels. Due to the nuclear submarine’s unlimited endurance and capability to carry a warhead to virtually any part of the globe, the most important underwater weapons are also featured, making this book a truly comprehensive reference to the world of submarine warfare.
Each of the vessels and weapons featured in Submarines of the World is illustrated with a superb side-view artwork. In addition, each illustration is accompanied by a detailed specifications table giving displacement, dimensions, performance, armament and launch date, plus text that summarises the service history of the vessel and its eventual fate.
• 300 submarines and underwater weapons featured, each one illustrated by a full-colour artwork
• Full displacement, performance and dimensions provided for each vessel, all measurements in imperial and metric
• Each vessel’s development history and career described in full
• Quick search functions
• Favorites section
• All data stored offline on your device.
Robert Jackson is a former pilot and navigation instructor. As a writer in military, naval and aviation affairs, he has more than 80 books to his name, including Destroyers, Frigates and Corvettes, Suez: the Forgotten Invasion, The Royal Navy in World War II and Strike From the Sea: A History of British Naval Air Power.