APKPure Appを使用する
SalatTimes - Daily Pray Timesの旧いバージョンをダウンロードすることが可能
Get azan times for all prayers , fajr ,duhr , salat asr , salat maghrib, P Rack
Salat Times provides you with the exact timing of the prayer no matter where you live in the world by detecting your location with a high accuracy. Salat times will notify you by adhan of your choice of the five prayers (Al fajr, Ad duhr, Al asr, Al maghrib, Al ishaa) in your city. P Rack ,Salat times ny, Salat times Chicago, Salat times hatford ct, Salat juma time, Athan times toronto, and more, you will find it all in this muslim pro apk. Now you will know when is asr, when is P Rack app , when is maghrib or isha. This apk will always keep you aware of you prayer time.
also times of you all prayer or you P Rack , you prayer isha ,aser .
Last updated on 2019年01月07日
Minor bug fixes and improvements. Install or update to the newest version to check it out!
SalatTimes - Daily Pray Times
1.0 by ixi.Dv