レビュー: 228 レーティング: 8.3
Puffin Web ブラウザ - 驚くほど速いです!
Always loved Puffin, but with latest version you have you allow it mandartory access to location.Bye bye
Can you get fortnite on here if you are on a tablet kindle fire 8?
I really don't know what to say about this browser, except as good as it gets also as bad as it gets...it looks like is was made only for America and the rest of us it's not important, well I live in Europe so what the point for me to use USA geolocations hmm...let me try to find Piccadilly Circus or Westminster in USA... Sorry No available try again later on
This is cool! I love how you can choose Mobile or Desktop mode and play games like on the computer... For example MovieStarPlanet a lot of people I know use it for that game-- GalaxyVanillaPop if wanna friend me hehe and I don't really need to use the computer anymore BRAVO ♡
This works perfectly like a computer/desktop. Its awesome! This works for flash games such as MovieStarPlanet and more! Its really awesome! Also its good for recording if do not have a computer. Its good to have this browser and for example if your Youtube app doesn't work... Works on here!
Excellent UI redesign! Puffin Browser 6.1.4 scores 463 on html5test. Long click on a Facebook link doesnt popup link options. Facebook comment reply field stutters. Copy Wikipedia URL. Make search trends and Google-approved ad-block an option for Puffin Pro. Some website reloads have interactive trouble unless the cache is empty. You guys need an app like Opera Max, theirs sucks. Flash and Image quality setting should be radio buttons low, medium, high. Chaturbate maintains the overlay at the top of the screen. When video is fullscreen, the input and menu icons at the bottom corners are usually in the way of content controls.
Love it and simple to use!!
I have to say I was a I was a bit worried that the Puffin web browser would not work (influenced by the comments) but after downloading it, I found that it's very easy to use on my HP tablet. Let me just say, I am so, so very happy to have downloaded this because without this app I wouldn't be able to finish my online courses through Apex. I need to take notes and some of the pages on Apex say that "this plug-in is not supported" because of course as some of us know that some programs, or features of a website, or games use Adobe Flash, at which certain devices cannot run, since. Thank you for whom ever created this app. School is very precious to me!!!!!!
Love This!
i love to use this app so much good for recording and playing games such as MSP! Thanks for creating this!
puffin browser
Love this app