APKPure Appを使用する
Half Alive Lyricsの旧いバージョンをダウンロードすることが可能
Half Aliveのすべての歌詞が1か所に。
Sing along with Half Alive with the lyrics incorporated in every song.
Enjoy the integrated videos in each letter from the application. (Requires Internet to watch the videos)
Copy the lyrics and share them with your friends.
Download the lyrics once and enjoy it offline wherever you go.
Add your favorites songs to the favorites list.
More content will be added progressively.
The songs and album covers contained in this application are owned by Billie Eilish and/or their respective labels. It is not intended to make any copyright infringement with this application.
Last updated on 2020年09月29日
Completely new design.
The application has been completely redesigned to give it a more modern and pleasant look.
Add favorites directly from the song list.
Now you can add your songs to the favorites list without having to enter each one of them.
Better performance.
Application performance has been improved.
Half Alive Lyrics
2.0.1 by Isaac Cabello