The Fowl Talkers Australian Duck Call App has been developed with the Australian waterfowler in mind. Whether you wish to use it while hunting, or as an educational aid, this app has it's place on your device. Don't purchase other apps which use American mallard and wood duck calls. Simply play, stop and change between the Fowl Talkers very own calls for the following species:
Black Duck:
- Greeting Call
- Feeding Call
- Quack (includes hen and drake calls)
- Combination
Grey / Chestnut Teal (includes both the hen chuckle and drake whistle)
Mountain Duck
Wood Duck
The clarity of these calls is sensational and they will continue to play
on loop, until stopped.
Other features include:
Bluetooth Connectivity - connect to external speakers to get more volume
Flashlight Functionality - press one button to have your device act as a
Camera on demand - take photos, save, discard or share direct from the app.
In the state of Victoria, electronic callers are legal however you should
check the legalities of using electronic callers in your area before using
this app in a hunting situation.