APKPure Appを使用する
DCExchange is an all-in-one convenient and efficient wallet service for WEC and relies on industrial strength security standards provided by DCExchange platform.
Supports fiat currencies USD, HKD.
Supports digital currency WEC, BTC, LTC, DOGE.
- Quickly view WEC exchange rates and users' portfolio value in users' home currency at current exchange rate.
- Send WEC to any digital coin address.
- Ability to send WEC to email addresses for people without WEC wallets.
- View all transaction activities on customer's DCExchange account.
- Set alerts to notify users when WEC is traded below or above a certain rate.
- User Verification
Security features include:
- Send privileges can be revoked through our website's account management (e.g. in case of device loss)
- OTP (One Time Password) support for logging in and sending funds
- Industry standard high security encryption for all data communication.
About DCExchange and WEC
DCExchange offers an easy, secure, and affordable platform to buy and sell digital currencies. DCExchange offers a 24 hour online exchange that provides the automated matching of orders between its registered members and it strives to be your digital currencies connection by making the experience as effortless as possible.
Last updated on 2016年10月30日
- bug fixes
- bug fixes
- bug fixes
- bug fix on language switching issue
- performance tuning on transaction sending process
1.5.3 by dcexe Inc.