APKPure Appを使用する
サイトのブックマーク+ Cookieのないブラウジング
Add any site as a Bookmark
Easily browse all your bookmarks
Sync your bookmarks with the cloud to keep them safe (Subscription)
Browse your bookmarked sites without cookies (Subscription)
To add a site to the Bookmarks+ app, just share the URL to this app.
It doesn't matter if you don't have internet connection, your bookmarks will refresh once you open the app again with network connectivity
Subscribe to be able to backup your bookmarks and browse without cookies.
All information is stored encrypted for your privacy.
Last updated on 2020年07月17日
Add Bookmarks
Organize your bookmarks using categories
Subscribe to browse without cookies, backup and organize your bookmarks under different categories
1.0.3 by Nicolas Ortiz