APKPure Appを使用する
آج کی تاریخ (2018 Hijri Calendar, Prayer Times)の旧いバージョンをダウンロードすることが可能
2018 - あなたの街のために祈り、Sehriとイフタール回でイスラム暦カレンダー。
Want to know what is the Hijri date today?
Aaj ki Tareekh is a Hijri Calendar that tells you about important events and dates in Islamic history like Ramadan, Eid, Hajj, dates when the important Ghazwas happened etc.
It also shows the Prayer times for today's date. You can also use it in Ramadan for finding out Sehri and Iftar times for your city. City is automatically detected for your current location.
Fajr = Sehri Time
Maghrib = Iftar Time
Set alarms for prayer times. Choose silent notification, default sound or Azan as alarm.
Last updated on 2018年09月09日
- Set alarm for prayer times
- Choose silent, Azan sound or the default notification sound as alarm
- Choose your city manually, if GPS is not working
آج کی تاریخ (2018 Hijri Calendar, Prayer Times)
4.0 by SR Software