Toccare sullo schermo cartone e la fotocamera del telefono di controllo e dei media da SmartWatch.
Note: This project is in development and only VR functions need rooted device!
Relatively, this is an alternative for VR's bluetooth controller.
✝ Simulate some of cardboard control functions from your Android Wear device.
✝ Control movements, Select or hit on virtual objects and buttons.
* Open phone's camera, zoom, focus and take photos directly from smartwatch.
* Control phone's media players.(Remotely control music players main functions like Play/Pause)
* Basic Game-Pad functions (Directions and Buttons)
Future Works:
Remote Joystick
Using Gyroscope as movement controller
Virtual Keyboard Improvement for daily use! (Current version is not perfect)
Requirements: Features marked by ..
[✝] Needs rooted device. (doesn't need in-app keyboard)
[*] Requires using in-app soft-keyboard. (doesn't need rooted device)
You can operate functionalities separately