Ini adalah buku pegangan untuk Farmakologi yang berguna untuk MBBS, BDS, mahasiswa Farmasi.
This app will help you give you a handbook approach to Pharmacology. This app has been made keeping the MBBS, BDS, Nursing & Pharmacy students in mind.
★ Contents:
➥Comment On
➥Drug Interaction
➥Mechanism Action
★ Chapters :
➥General Pharmacology
➥Drugs For ANS
➥Drugs For CVS
➥Renal Pharmacology
➥Drugs Acting on CNS
➥Respiratory System
➥Drugs Acting on GIT
➥Drugs Acting on Blood
➥Drugs Acting on Uterus
➥Endocrine Pharmacology
➥Miscellaneous Drugs.
N.B. :
1. This is just a pocket guide for Pharmacology. Not to be mistaken as a book or guide to pass your exams.
2. If you think any thing need to add here, you can mail in my email address.
★ Contact The Developers :
Rohit Sarkar