Discover our free tahiti travel guide working 100% offline.
Explore “The Islands of Tahiti”
This official travel guide published by Tahiti Tourisme has over 2,600 local addresses and contact details to help guide and inform you wherever you may go.
Special Features:
• Find sightseeing points of interest, activities, tours, restaurants, spas, shops, museums, lodging in family hotels or resorts, and more.
• Each entry in the guide includes a description, full contact details, rates, opening hours, etc.
• Thanks to onboard navigation and augmented reality, view everything around you including distances and info details.
• Locate yourself on the interactive map and find your way anytime thanks to the app’s navigation features.
• Customize your own itineraries on one or several islands.
• Make the most of tips and advice from local Polynesians who will guide you around their islands.
• Give your opinion and share your Polynesian adventure with your friends.
• Take part in the guide by sharing your photos and comments.
All maps and information are available with no internet connection and fully functional offline. The application will find your location thanks to your smartphone or tablet’s integrated navigation system.
If you are not online, every item you would like to share will be saved (comments, photos, postcards), and it will be sent as soon as you are online again.
The Islands of Tahiti app comes fully loaded in four languages, including English, French, Japanese and Chinese.