Make delicious & spicy pizza with pizza maker & kitchen cooking adventure game
This is a delicious, hot and spicy pizza restaurant. Enjoy spicy pizza with this crazy pizza maker and kitchen cooking adventure game. Learn exciting, delicious, yummy and spicy pizza recipes with this cooking and maker game. Firstly gather all the ingredients and prepare the spicy pizza cooking and baking material. Prepare the pizza dough, gather the vegetables and other ingredients.
Add water, flour, sugar, salt and a few oil drops then mix it up with the help of a stirrer to prepare the pizza dough. Then comes the turn of the spicy pizza sauce with tomato flavor. Add some water in the bowl, salt, slice the tomatoes and put it in the bowl. Stir it with the help of a stirrer to make a spicy and delicious blend of tomato pizza sauce. Final step is of the spicy pizza's decor by mushrooms, olives, meat pieces, onions, tomatoes and many other ingredients. Forget all the traditional and boring flavors like italian pizza, chicken tikka, fajita and supreme etc. and make your own customized delicious and spicy pizza with this exciting pizza maker and kitchen cooking adventure game.
So download this amazing and delicious pizza maker game and enjoy the taste of this spicy pizza and kitchen cooking adventure game.