Cute Bunny Ears or Cat Face Sticker Photo Editor MakeUp Effects & Snap Filter
Cute Snap Face Sticker and Snap Face Editor comes with Snap Filter Dog and Cat Face Sticker to make Cute Snap Face Selfies. Receive daily new Cat Face Sticker like Ears and Nose as well as Bunny Ears and Dog Face Stickers for free!
- Shoot a Photo or take one from your Gallery
- Easy open up Snap Face Sticker Menu by pressing the button in center
- Choose as many Snap Sticker from the list as you want to add to your Photo
- Place Stickers on your Face by touching them and dragging them to the right positions
- Apply Insta Filter or Snap Filter with the +Filter button
- Save and share via all Instant Messengers
Enjoy Snap Face Sticker 2018 with Snap Face Photo Editor Cute Cat Face App! Thank you for all positive feedbacks <3