This application as a medium to facilitate access to SMPN 4 Madiun via android
Our Vision
The realization of achievement people who have faith, knowledge, good deeds, healthy, caring and cultured environment and have an international perspective.
1. Creating students who excel in the field of IMTAQ, science and technology and cultured environment and have an international perspective.
2. Creating school members who are disciplined, work together and care for the social environment.
3. Creating a clean and healthy lifestyle for school residents in the school, family and community environment.
Madiun Public Middle School was established on August 1, 1958, but officially became a Public School on November 1, 1958 based on a Minister of Education and Teaching Decree.
The names of the Principals / Leaders of SMP Negeri 4 Madiun since their establishment were
No Name of Head of School Year Appointed
1. RM. Koesnendar 1958 - 1962
2. Moena'im, BcHK 1962 - 1967
3. Doerjat, BA 1967 - 1974
4. Moedjijo, BA 1974 - 1980
5. Iksan Dwidjosoemarto 1980 - 1984
6. Moedjono, BA 1984 - 1985
7. Slamet, BA 1985 - 1988
8. Soekirno Harsojo, BA 1988 - 1993
9. Drs. Margono 1993 - 1995
10. Effendi Saleh, BA 1995 - 1997
11. Soewito, S.Pd 1997 - 1999
12. Drs. Eskon Sungkono 1999 - 2003
13. Dino Tjahjono 2003 - 2006
14. Drs. Joko Mulyono 2006 - 2014
15. Theresia Enny Yuniwati, S.Pd, M.Pd 2014 - now
Jalan Abdul Rahman Saleh No. 3, Kejulon, Taman, Kec. Madiun, East Java
(0351) 462565