Learn the Art of Persuasion with our Persuasive Psychology Guide.
Have you ever been converted into doing or buying something you afterward regretted? Have you ever stopped midway through a favor for a friend, and thought "Why did I even agree to this?"
Chances are somebody has used one of the techniques included here on you. They work on a subtle level, for a lot of thought processes and decisions take place below your awareness. And that's what makes them so mighty.
Would you like to discover what these strategies are? How do you distinguish them, and stop yourself before it's too late or how can you use them to your benefit? Knowledge is the initial step.
Included in our Persuasive Psychology Guide:
* Cognitive Discomfort
* The Low Ball Strategy
* Reciprocity
* The Slamming Door
* Seduction Hypnosis
* Social Engineering
If you are interested in learning how to persuade others to act and do the things you want them to do then this is the guide for you. It teaches you the Art of Persuasion. Get our free guide today and learn the different techniques and skills involved in persuading others.