Revision app for Neet PG Medical Students as well as Clinicians
Most of You are struggling to complete your subjectwise syllabus as the NEET PG Exam is approaching .
You may even have bought Marrow / Prepladder Subscription .
However Lets face the fact.
Those Videos were too long for you to complete.
And I Can understand.
Now As the exam is postponed there is still a chance that you can conceptually complete these 11 subjects in just about 3-4 Weeks.
How ?
These 11 Subjectwise app has high Yield and conceptual topics condensed into short 3-10 minutes videos . These videos are kept short and easy to learn from so that Learning Becomes Fun and more doable rather than frustrating.
Overall Most of theses 11 subjects can be completed in about 3-5 days using these video lectures.
This offer has the following subjects
Physiology completed in 15 hrs
Pharmacology completed in 18 hrs
Pathology completed 32 hrs
Forensic Medicine Completed in 8 hrs
ENT Completed in 7 Hrs
Optha Completed in 11 hrs
Obs Completed in 19 Hrs
Gyne Completed in 18 Hrs
Surgery Completed in 38 Hrs
Psychiatry Completed in 6Hrs
Radiology Completed in 17 hrs
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