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Find information from more than 3 million and 200 thousand companies and professionals from all over Brazil with just a few touches on the smartphone in the palm of your hand: phones, Whatsapp, addresses (maps and routes), websites, e-mails, services, , social networks, photos, videos, find out if the place delivers, what forms of payment are accepted, if you have access to wifi, parking, opening hours and offers when selecting your city.
FIND NEAR YOU: taxis, banks and ATMs, clothing and footwear stores, hotels, pet shops, gyms, restaurants, bars, pizzerias, hamburgers, snack bars, schools, colleges, pharmacies, gas stations, entertainment and culture, clinics , hospitals, jobs, contests, and more that you need!
Listapa is constantly growing, so if you can not find your business in our search results, you can register it quickly and easily through our application as well.
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- Search for what you need throughout Brazil;
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- Add contacts to your calendar;
- History of the last searches;
- Sharing of contacts and application;
- Location of the contacts in Google Maps;
- Find corporate social networks (WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram);
- Create your account, with login and password;
- Evaluate companies;
- Send pictures;
- Receive offers;
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