Interpretation of Al-Quran Verses Translated with Rowahi Hadith Shahih
Tafsir Al-Qur'an is the Science to Understand and Interpret the Qur'an and its contents function as Mubayyin (explanatory), explaining the meaning and content . Especially regarding the verses that are not understood and the meaning is vague
In Understanding and Interpreting the Qur'an requires not only knowledge of Arabic but also various kinds of knowledge concerning the Al-Qur'an and its contents b>.
The science of understanding the Qur'an is called Usul Tafsir or commonly known as Ulumul Qur'an, there are two forms of interpretation, namely At-tafsr bi al-ma'tsûr, and At-tafsîr bi-ar-ra'yi, with Four Methods, namely; Ijmâli, Tahlli, Muqârin and Maudhû'i
In terms of style, there are more diverse, there are Language Literature, Fiqh, Theology, Philosophy, Sufism, Scientific and Social Culture
Efforts to Interpret the Qur'an have been started since the time of the Companions of the Prophet themselves. 'Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 40 H), 'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas (d. 68 H), 'Abdullah Ibn Mas'ûd (d. 32 H) and Ubay ibn Ka'ab (d. 32 H) are the ones who famous in many interpretations
+ Updated Version
+ Application development
+ Addition of material to increase knowledge and knowledge including:
+ Book of Tafsir Jalalain
+ Ulumul Quran
+ Daily Prayers
+ Prayers in Hadith
+ Prayers in the Qur'an
+ Islamic prayers
+ The practice of the Sunnah of the Prophet
+ Collection of Islamic Books
+ Hadith Arbain Nawawi
+ Imam Shafi'i Fiqh
+ Bulughul Maram
+ Ta'lim Muta' Alim
+ Learn Qowaidul I'lal
+ Household Book
+ Child Morals
+ Bidayatul Hidayah
+ Matan Sanusiyah
+ Book of Alaa Laa
+ Washoya Book
+ Nashoihul Ibad
+ Safinatun Najah
+ Risalatul Muawanah
+ Nadhom Alfiyah
+ Al-Jurumiyah
+ Nadhom Imriti
+ Batshul Walimah
+ Qurrotul Uyun and Fathul Izar
Hopefully this application can be useful
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