Ho Chunk Native American Language
The Hoocąk Waaziija Haci Language Division is dedicated to ensuring the Hoocąk language continues to be a "LIVING LANGUAGE."
As a sign of respect to our elders, and speakers that have come before us, we will continue to speak our language, celebrate our customs, respect the Hoocąk value system and tech our future generations the Hoocąk way of life.
Thornton Media, Inc., and American Indian owned company has permission from the Ho-Chunk Nation - Hoocąk Waaziija Haci Language Division to release the app to the Google Play Store. At a later date, Ho-Chunk Nation - Hoocąk Waaziija Haci Language Division have the right to move the app over to another App account for distribution.
All Language materials are the cultural property of the Ho-Chunk Nation. And is subject to change by the Ho-Chunk Nation - Hoocąk Waaziija Haci Language Division.
If there are any mistakes on the App, please contact info@ndnlangauge.com we will make the corrections and submit an update for the app. All suggestions will first be submitted to the Hoocąk Waaziija Haci Language Division for approval.
We hope this free language app will help you the learn the Hoocąk language.
Thank you!