Gdansk Forum - stores, promotions, 3D plan.
In the Gdańsk Forum mobile app you will find a list of all service premises along with their location on a three-dimensional map. We can set a route for each of them. At the end of shopping, we will easily find the way to our car, because in the application we have the possibility to easily enter information about the place of parking. You can also order Taxi and check the cinema's repertoire.
A great attraction for shopping enthusiasts is FORUM Club, which is a special discount package only for logged in users, as well as the module "My fitting room" - it allows you to take a photo of the article you are interested in buying and adding it to the collection with the store name and commentary. Thanks to that, we have all the products that are interesting to us and we can review the added collection before making the final choice. You do not have to remember what and where we tried - just look at the application.
The mobile guide is integrated with info kiosks - by finding a kiosk store and marking the route, we can scan the generated QR code and transfer the route to your phone.
The application is also current information about events and promotions. Works in two languages: Polish and English.