How to create a cool and simple doodle art for beginners.
Currently a lot of ways to create a doodle art, especially for beginners. In addition to how to create a doodle for beginners there are also how to create a doodle name, how to create a simple doodle and how to create a doodle art online. Actually anyone can make doodle art. Usually someone unconsciously create a doodle art when he was bored or was daydreaming. For example, when you are in class, while the teacher is explaining the lesson, you unknowingly scribble the book, draw something abstract.
Maybe for some people this is a trivial thing. However, this doodle art is needed to improve the skills of art and imagination, so that the art of one's soul can be channeled. You need to know that doodle art can also be learned. Yes, of course this is so that your scribbles have artistic value. How to? Let's download this app.
Before learning how to create a doodle art, you have to know first what is doodle art? Yes, as already mentioned above. Basically the doodle art is an image created unconsciously and without a specific purpose. Doodle art has many forms, ranging from images of animals, letters, certain characters or even just abstract graffiti.
Doodle art done by many children, even adults still like to do doodle art. For example, a bored schoolboy when listening to a teacher's explanation, he unconsciously creates a picture on a paper. Doodle art can also be made by someone who is daydreaming. Now you know what is doodle art. Although the doodle art was basically made by accident. We have a lot of doodle art is made deliberately. Where his doodle art works have a certain message and meaning.
The tools for making doodle art are very simple. You just need a pen or pencil and paper. So when you're bored, you can doodle the paper to make doodle art according to your imagination. But if you want to hone your doodle art skills, you must know and know the basics of doodle art and of course you should always bring all the equipment and the need to create doodle art. After all the equipment is complete. It's time you prepare yourself to follow the steps of making doodle art. For the beginner, you can start making doodle art with any theme according to your imagination.
Finding inspiration is one way to create a doodle art for beginners. Just as is done by an artist or professional painter, when wanting to create a masterpiece of his painting art. But to create a doodle art, looking for inspiration is not as difficult as professional painters. You can get inspiration from the things around, such as: an action, feeling, event, place, person, environment, favorite songs and even your own name can be made doodle art. Indeed sometimes brilliant ideas will appear suddenly, so you have to be ready to pen to record it.
To create a doodle art is not required to make the same image in one sketch. You can draw anything in your imagination in one sketch. Suppose you want to draw a burger, you suddenly remember your cheeky and cherry friend's face, then you picture your friend's face while eating a burger. Please pour all your imagination in a piece of paper to become a doodle art. In essence, to create a doodle art does not need a special concept or theory. You can draw freely according to your imagination.