DDR Quiz Exquisit Edition by Salamandr
Dec 26, 2023

About DDR Quiz Exquisit Edition

Do you know yet the GDR? Show your knowledge in the advertizing free DDR Quiz Edition.

"Cook with love, seasoning with BINO!" You need to see any more publicity to be convinced of the products of our state-owned economy? Then we have good news for all players of the original DDR quiz Salamandr (aka VEB Apps Karl-Marx-Stadt). For the digital work has appeared in an ad-free version. But the popular quiz for sales in Exquisitely includes even more. More questions, of course. And images. And an innovation in terms of aids (Joker). But before you try to convince them that exquisite advantages that offers DDR Quiz exquisite, we want to introduce you to the DDR Quiz original course.

How well do you know the GDR? Show and expand your knowledge in the GDR quiz. You expect more than 500 questions from different categories such as everyday life, geography, Film & Television, history, music, art, sports and much more. Included are 50 questions separately with pictures. It is up to you whether your knowledge is to be interrogated only in certain categories or you prefer to answer the mix of all issues. Through this app you many terms from A like Aktendulli be called back to mind to Z cellophane bag. But do not think about too long, because the timer is ticking relentlessly.

Each question is given in the classic principle with four answers, of which only one is correct. To increase your chances, you can use one of three wild cards. Reach the high score the most correct answers and share it with your friends via Google Play leaderboard.

The DDR Quiz is an educational and entertaining at the same time Wissensapp. The questions and their answers were compiled by qualified East German professionals and checked. ;) A nostalgia quiz with a bite - the cult's app for all Easterners!

Features of DDR Quiz

- over 500 varied multiple choice questions

- 50 questions with pictures

- Various Categories

- Joker (50:50, timers and skip) per round one

- Different difficulty

- Entertaining and educational experience

- Highscoreliste

- No advertising, no shop, no additional purchases

The DDR-Quiz is now available in Exquisitely um ... Google Play store! Get it now!

You have an interesting GDR issue that we should take? Then contact us via the feedback button in the app or write us on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AppSalamandr

Additional Game Information

Latest Version

Requires Android


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Trivia Game


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