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Like the Jefferson Bible, this Jesus sayings app is an attempt to edit the four gospels into a consistent account, in this case focusing on the words of Jesus. There is plenty of connecting narrative around the instances where Jesus speaks, so this is better than simply presenting each quote out of context. The focus on what Jesus is attributed as saying makes it easier to browse the core texts of the New Testament. All in all, a very useful reference, and a great, massive read.
Included in this Jesus Sayings app:
I. Lineage of Jesus—Born In Bethlehem
II. The Escape From Herod—Again In Galilee At Nazareth
III. The Boy Jesus
IV. Jesus At Thirty—Baptized By John
V. Christ's Long Fast in the Wilderness—Satan's Futile Wiles
VI. John Answers the Priests
VII. Jesus’ Mother and the Water Changed to Wine
VIII. Nighttime Visit of Nicodemus—Christ Enlightens Him
IX. John Extols Jesus
X. Christ in Cana Cures Nobleman's Son at Capernaum
XI. At The Pool of Bethesda
XII. Christ Reads in Synagogue at Nazareth
XIII. By the Sea
XIV. The Sermon on the Mount
XV. The Sermon on the Mount (Continued)
XVI. The Sermon on the Mount (Concluded)
XVII. A Leper Cleansed
XVIII. Matthew (Levi) Called
XIX. In the Cornfield on the Sabbath
XX. The Twelve by Name—The Sermon in the Plain
XXI. The Sermon in the Plain (Concluded)
XXII. The Centurion's Servant Healed
XXIII. John, From Prison, Sends Messengers
XXIV. Woe Unto Chorazin, Bethsaida, Capernaum
XXV. The Woman With the Alabaster Box
XXVI. The Man Blind, Mute, And Bedeviled
XXVII. Doubters Seek a Sign
XXVIII. His Mother and Brethren Would Speak With Jesus
XXIX. Parables: The Mustard Seed, the Leaven, the Merchantman, the Net
XXX. The Madman and the Swine
XXXI. Jairus’ Daughter Healed
XXXII. Home Again: A Prophet Without Honor
XXXIII. Herod Desires To See Christ
XXXIV. Five Thousand Fed
XXXV. Jesus Would Not Be Made King
XXXVI. “I Am The Bread Of Life”
XXXVII. Pharisees Querulous
XXXVIII. The Woman of Canaan
XXXIX. “Seven Loaves and a Few Little Fishes”
XL. “Upon This Rock I Will Build My Church”
XLI. The Transfiguration
XLII. Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection
XLIII. John Answered: “Forbid Him Not”
XLIV. “Except Ye Become As Little Children”
XLV. At the Feast of the Tabernacle
XLVI. The Woman Taken In Adultery
XLVII. “I Am the Light of the World”
XLVIII. “Hath Not Where To Lay His Head”
XLIV. The Good Samaritan
L. The Lord's Prayer
LI. Sermon to the Innumerable Multitude
LII. Sermon to the Innumerable Multitude (cont.)
LIII. Sabbath Cure of Crippled Woman
LIV. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem!”
LV. Sermon in Parables
LVI. Sermon In Parables (Continued): The Prodigal Son
LVII. Sermon In Parables (cont.): “Ye Cannot Serve God and Mammon”
LVIII. Sermon In Parables (Concluded): “I Am the Resurrection”
LIX. “The Kingdom of God Is Within You”
LX. “Easier For a Camel to Go Through the Eye of a Needle”
LXI. Divorce Denounced
LXII. “Drink Indeed of My Cup”
LXIII. Sight Restored to Two Blind Beggars
LXIV. Jesus Goes to Jerusalem
LXV. The Fig Tree Withered
LXVI. Christ's Authority Challenged
LXVII. “Many Are Called”—“Render unto Cesar”
LXVIII. The First Great Commandment: and the Second
LXIX. “Woe Unto You, Scribes and Pharisees!”
LXX. “Now Is My Soul Troubled”
LXXI. The Temple Doomed
LXXII. “My Words Shall Not Pass Away”—Wise and Foolish Virgins.
LXXIII. Parable of the Talents
LXXIV. “Me Ye Have Not Always”
LXXV. The Thirty Pieces of Silver
LXXVI. The Last Supper—“Do This In Remembrance of Me”
LXXVII. Last Supper (cont.) “I Am The Way, The Truth, The Life”
LXXVIII. Last Supper (cont.) “Greater Love Hath No Man Than This”
LXXIX. Last Supper (cont.) “Be of Good Cheer, I Have Overcome the World”
LXXX. Last Supper (cont.) “I Have Finished the Work”
LXXXI. In Gethsemane
LXXXII. The Betrayal: Judas’ Kiss
LXXXIII. Christ's Trial
...all the way to CIII. “I am Alpha and Omega”
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7.1 MB 2019年12月22日
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7.1 MB 2019年06月29日
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10.6 MB 2019年02月03日
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