谁在他们的村庄中潜伏着最少的狼人?使用这个很棒的计分表应用程序来跟踪您所有的Silver游戏! Silver是Bezier Games的模拟纸牌游戏系列,可容纳2-4位玩家。该减分游戏进行四轮比赛,并且需要记分板来记录玩家在整个游戏中的得分。这个简单的应用程序使游戏变得轻而易举;没有笔,没有数学,只专注于击败对手!祝您好运的村民们!
Last updated on 2021年03月23日
Who has the fewest werewolves lurking around their village?! Use this awesome scoresheet app to keep track in all your Silver games! Silver is an analog card game series by Bezier Games that plays 2-4 players. This point shedding game plays in four rounds and a scorepad is needed to keep record of player's scores throughout the game. This simple app makes gameplay a breeze; no pen, no math, just pure focus on beating your opponents! Best of luck Villagers!