下载 APKPure App
PAIRED你与最爱的沙龙,水疗中心,或与客厅一个智能手机应用!图书预约,查看您的历史,购买/存储/换购礼品卡,发送和前台直接传送讯息,和这么多!配对给你的自由预订和购买你的条件。下载PAIRED今天!Last updated on 2021年12月09日
07.30.20: Bug fix.
07.09.20: Support for older phones
06.24.20: Push notification fix
02.21.19: Retail History button fix.
02.08.19: OP message back button fix.
08.08.18: Bug Fix, Icon Issue.
07.06.18: Bug Fixes. Updated business selector.
03.08.18: Added ability to restrict all or selected functions.
02.12.18: Service History hot fix II.
02.12.18: Service History hot fix.
02.09.18: Service History bug corrected.
02.09.18: Client and Employee apps combined into one app.
3.1 by Prosolutions Software inc.