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Users who update to version, it is recommend to uninstall the current version before updating. all current plans will be removed regardless if you upgrading or reinstalling.
*IMPORTANT: users with issues i have removed the new version. update to 2.4.5 (it would be the old version just new number)
For however want to get the latest builds and test them
Open Beta: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/dev.codeplex.intervaly
Intervaly is an easy to use Advanced Interval Timer.
Intervaly is the only Interval timer without ads!!
Share your plan, write review or suggestions:
Our Interval Timer Features:
+Have more than one plan, set prepare and cool down intervals for each plan separately
+Create custom interval exercise plan
+Have unlimited options in creating your own exercise plan
+Undo on delete
+Change name of intervals
+Easily arrange intervals
+Run in the background
+Simple and clean UI
+Auto saves exercise plan
+No ads
+skip and previous interval
Intervaly fits for:
+Interval exercise
+Tabata exercise
+HIIT (High Intensive Interval Training)
+Boxing traning
+Circuit training