使用iN•Command®轮胎压力监测系统一次监测多达22个轮胎的气压和温度。防水传感器使用蓝牙技术通过iN•Command TPMS应用程序将重要的安全信息直接传达给您的智能设备。只需打开应用程序,通过使用设备的相机扫描QR码来为每个轮胎分配传感器,以接收声音警报。 TPMS可以独立于iN•Command®控制系统使用。
Last updated on 2023年11月21日
- Added 'Scan Nearby Devices' permission for scanning Bluetooth devices.
- Added a notification permission request and modified notification settings for TPMS alarms.
- Modified the background location permission dialog to provide users with the option to skip or disallow the app from running in the background.
- The Low Battery notification and voice alarm were removed for user-friendliness and based on data received from the sensors.