Use EncrMSG where ever you want to encrypt text messages.
There is no easier way to hide a confidential messages from prying eyes on your iphone.
Simply input your text message along with the agreed password, click on encrypt and then copy the encrypted
code to the clipboard/memory, change to your desired sms/email/chat app to paste it there.
To decrypt a confidential message from your friend, do it the reverse way: take the encrypted message from
your sms/email or chat app, copy to clipboard/memory and paste it in the textbox of EncrMSG.
Enter the agreed password and click on decrypt.....and voila....you can read the confidential message.
Although the encryption of EncrMSG has no military grade because of USA export regulations, it is strong
enough with 64 bit keys (depending of password length) for most private use.
The app is available in many languages, also chinese (althouth the use of encryption is banned in China, but
many chinese people live in other countries).
Please check the laws in your country in reference of the use of encryption BEFORE you download and use
this app.