DeadKind Project 正在为移动平台带来全新的僵尸生存体验,这是以前从未在移动设备上见过的。
它将包括新一代图形和一张巨大的地图,为玩家带来全新的移动设备身临其境的游戏体验,并使游戏感觉就像在完整版本的 PC 上玩一样。
目前,Deadkind 仅由一个人开发,并且每天都在开发,因此请关注我的这个惊人项目,并帮助我一起创建每个人都想要的梦想生存手机游戏!
Last updated on 2023年07月28日
This update is mainly focused on optimisation for better overall performance on all devices. A lot of things have been changed and improved to provide a smoother better gameplay in this update whilst we wait for V6!
This is a small update so there isn’t anything new added gameplay wise but a big one is coming out soon in update V6 so wait for that one :)
(had to update once again as there were major bugs in the last update but has been fixed now)