Analog Synthesis Course

1.0 by NonLinear Educating Inc.

关于Analog Synthesis Course


Learn how Analog synths fit into your modern music production workflow in this amazing tutorial for ALL audio producers

App Features:

• 179 minutes of video training

• Super clear explanations

• Offline Playback (no internet connection needed)

• Easy to navigate

Course Outline:

01. Introduction (01:09)

02. Introducing Buchla & Lainhart (03:03)

03. Types of Modules and Synthesis (03:39)

04. Generators, Modifiers, and Controllers (02:45)

05. Waveforms and Oscillators (04:56)

06. Sine Waves and Square Waves (04:41)

07. Waveshaping (02:01)

08. All About Noise (03:20)

09. About Voltage Control and Frequencies (04:30)

10. Voltage Control from a Battery (03:56)

11. Sine Wave Modulation (04:00)

12. Changing the Wave Shape (02:45)

13. Voltage Control with an Advanced Keyboard Controller (04:15)

14. Introducing Moog Modular V (02:19)

15. Setting up a Basic Patch (03:57)

16. Sine Wave vs. Triangular Wave (02:07)

17. Harmonics and Overtones (02:51)

18. Square and Sawblade Waves (02:22)

19. Waveform Review (02:18)

20. Introducing Envelopes (01:51)

21. The Waveform Display (01:42)

22. Acoustic Envelopes: Attack and Decay (04:52)

23. Acoustic Envelope of a Snare (01:16)

24. Acoustic Envelope of Horns and Strings (03:30)

25. Comparing the Acoustic Envelopes (01:14)

26. Attack with String Instruments (02:50)

27. ADSR - Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release (02:48)

28. Attack (02:56)

29. Decay and Sustain (03:03)

30. Triggers and Gates (04:00)

31. Releases and More (04:17)

32. All Together Now (05:18)

33. Filter Types (05:42)

34. Using the Low-Pass Filter (04:12)

35. Assigning Controllers with MIDI Learn (03:28)

36. Low-Pass Filter Resonance (03:59)

37. Sawtooths and Extreme Low-Pass Resonance (04:03)

38. Self-Oscillation (02:18)

39. Oscillator Modulation (05:53)

40. Oscillator Modulation with Other Waveshapes (02:28)

41. The Classic Minimoog Bass - Part 1 (04:44)

42. The Classic Minimoog Bass - Part 2 (04:17)

43. Envelopes for Filter Control (01:44)

44. Using a Second Envelop for Filtering (03:47)

45. Summery of Envelop Usage (00:49)

46. Velocity Filters (03:58)

47. Filtering Noise (06:40)

48. Envelope Following (02:07)

49. Simulating Wind (05:29)

50. Introduction to the ES2 (01:09)

51. Fundamentals of FM in ES2 (02:32)

52. Vibrato’s and Sidebands (01:37)

53. Overview of the ES2 (02:55)

54. Definition of a Sideband (02:16)

55. Harmonic and Inharmonic Overtones (03:57)

56. Modulation Index and Deviation (02:12)

57. Multiple Sidebands (03:12)

58. Simulating Acoustics with Oscillators (01:50)

59. Using Multiple Envelope Generators (05:42)






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