Giving part of the assets that have been determined by Islamic religion to those
Zakat Science Zakat is the giving of part of the assets that have been determined by religion to those who have the right to receive it. this application is a 2018 Islamic ebook which contains the following contents:
Zakat property / Mall
Devinisi Zakat
Proposal about zakat
Law of zakat
Alms recipient
Types of zakat
Zakat property
Gold and silver zakat
Agricultural and plantation zakat
Trading Zakat
Mining Zakat
Zakat of livestock
Professional Zakat
Zakat fitrah
Time to pay zakat fitrah
Zalil zakat fitrah
Mandatory zakat fitrah
Read the intention of zakat fitrah
Read the prayer of zakat fitrah
Hopefully this application can help us to carry out our obligations and carry out our Prophet's sunnah Muhammadallallahualaihi wasallam and get other good benefits both for the user and for the developer, amen alamin. Critics and suggestions for improving this application are very much awaited.
Santri Dakwah
Some of the other sets of applications include:
* Patience Increases Faith
* Complete Hadith Knowledge
* Islamic Story of Motivation
* Latest Wirid Ratib
* Sholawat Nabi Complete
* History of the Prophet Khidr
* Complete Aqidatul Layam
* Complete Javanese prayer
* Collection of Islamic Poetry
* Complete Heresy Book
# tausiyah islamic
# Islamic baby names
# repair errors
# application development
# Devotional poetry of life
# Sin syirik and an example
# the book of the corpse
# hadith collection about the body
# grave pilgrimage guide
# Collection of Islamic Poetry
- Rawi Maulid of the Prophet
- Complete Javanese prayer
- Complete Mahid Treatments
- Complete Muawanah comments
- The Nahwu Nadzom Imrithi Science Book
- The Book of Daqoiqul Akhbar
- The Book of Tanwirul Qulub
- Book I'anatut thalibin
- The book of fathul qorib
- Afatul Lisan Al Gazali Book
+ selected Friday sermon
+ the latest Friday sermon
+ Friday sermon for 1 year
+ 37 popular problems by Ustadz Abdul Somad
+ Islamic Ruqiyah
+ Procedures for a healthy lifestyle like a rosululloh
+ Islamic advice
+ Islamic humor
+ humor doesn't work
+ humor of Abu Nawas
Kitab Isa'Dur Rofiq
The Majmu Book 'Fatawa Ibn Taimiyah
Kitab Durotun Nasihin Hadist Shahih
The Book of Risal Mahid
Sirrul Asror Book Abd Qodir Zaelani
The Book of Babul Masail Bab Prayers
The Book of Bathul Masail Bab Thoharoh
Kitab Minhajul Abidin
The Book of Tangqihul Qoul Imam Nawawi
The Science Book ma'rifat Imam Gozali