খাবার প্রেমীদের রেসিপি এবং ভাল খাবারের আনন্দ ভাগ করে নেওয়ার সম্প্রদায়
---Yumee is invite-only right now---
Yumee brings together a community of food lovers to explore the world of food together! Food was since the beginning of time one thing that brought together all of us, it is something intensely social but at the same time full of opportunity to showcase your individuality.
This is what Yumee wants to do, make food fun again. Invite your friends, share recipes, see what others cook and how they experiment and bookmark recipes that you like. You can even cook the recipes of your friends, family and fellow chefs and show them - how did it look, how did it taste and did you do any changes to the original recipe. All this within one app, because the joy of food grows when shared.
Icons made by FreePik, PixelMeetup and Pixel Perfect from www.flaticon.com
Animations made by Abinash Mohanty, Usama Razzaq and Bryan Tang @LottieFiles